Master Data Management
Every organization finds it imperative to maintain a single version of their business-critical non-transactional data about their customers, products, channel partners and suppliers. This single version of truth or “The Truth” as we at Attunus call it needs to be made available to internal and external entities.
Master Data Management
As every Salesperson will tell you, the only thing that separates them from their competition apart from the actual product or service is the quality of information that they possess. Quality here means accuracy, timeliness and relevance. Every sales organization makes it a top priority to have the very best information. about their customers, partner, suppliers More often than not, organizations fail to do just that resulting in poor customer service, lost sales opportunities and diminishing brand value. This problem is so widespread that most organizations acknowledge their shortcomings in utilizing already existing data for effective customer service and other key functions. Most companies subscribe to the oft mentioned adage about data “Data is the only asset that grows in value the more it is used” but very few actually capitalize on the same. This is especially true for organizations with siloed systems scattered across the enterprise with fragmented customer or product data. This problem gets even more acute with any mergers and acquisitions that the organization goes through.
Informatica and IBM Master Data Management (MDM) products help organizations overcome these challenges by providing them with a means to get a single, accurate, version of their critical data or in other words the “best version of the truth”.